Friday, March 20, 2009

Something, Maybe

Title: Something, Maybe          Author: Elizabeth Scott            Publisher: Simon Pulse             Number Of Pages: 217


Summary From Jacket Flap: I wonder what it would be like to do high school things. To go out on the weekends. To kiss a guy. To have a normal life. A real one. Everyone thinks their parents are embarrassing, but Hannah knows she’s got them all beat. Her dad made a fortune showcasing photos of pretty girls and his party lifestyle all over the internet, and her mom was once one of her dad’s girlfriends and is now the star of her own website. After getting the wrong kind of attention for way too long, Hannah has mastered the art of staying under the radar..and that’s just how she likes it. Of course, that doesn’t help her get noticed by her crush. Hannah’s sure that the gorgeous, sensitive Josh is her soul mate. But trying to get him to notice her; wondering why she suddenly can’t stop thinking about another guy, Finn ; and dealing with her parents make Hannah feel like she’s going crazy. Yet she’s determined to make things work out the way she wants-only what she wants may not be what see needs…. Once again, Elizabeth Scott has created a world so painfully funny and a cast of characters so heartbreakingly real that you’ll love being a part of it from unexpected start to triumphant finish.


Review: I have never read anything by Elizabeth Scott before but I want to read every book she has written now! I loved Something, Maybe because I felt like I was there with Hannah experiencing what she was experiencing and because the writing was fantastic. I loved the characters and I think they are really well developed . It was a really great love story that I think I will have my friends read because it is really, really good! I hope there is a sequel. Overall I think that it is an awesome love story.

I recommend this book if you like romance, Elizabeth Scott novels, and Young Adult novels.

Another thing, YA Reads is having a contest where they are giving away an ARC of City Of Glass By: Cassandra Clare. Here is a link: 

I am also wondering if I should place ads on my blog to pay for the books I review. What are your thoughts on the subject?

-Senfaye :)


  1. ooh looks like a really good book!!!

  2. Oooh this sounds amazing! I love the premise and I've heard so much about Elizabeth Scott....definitely check out her book "Stealing Heaven" it was pretty good!

  3. It sounds really good!

    Excellent review!!

  4. Great review! I really, really want to read this book now!

    I don't think I'll be much help for you on the topic of the ads . . . sorry!

  5. Yeah, I liked it too. I'm going to post a recommendation on my blog on her release day. :)

  6. My sources tell me you have an award waiting for you...

  7. Great review. I've heard really good things about this book, which reminds me that I should really read it soon. Just as soon as I finish all the other unfinished books lying around my apartment--ah, the perils of being a bibliophile!

  8. I feel the SAME WAY--after I read one book of hers, I had to go buy more!! LOL

  9. Yay, awesome review!!
