Favorite color? Changes daily – I can never choose just one!
Favorite animal? Also changes daily depending on whether the cats or the dog woke me up in the morning :)
Favorite YA author? Not fair, I can’t choose just one — there are way too many awesome YA authors out there.
Favorite book? Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Favorite beverage? Diet coke right now (am trying to kick the habit)
Favorite mythical creature? Do zombies count? If not then unicorns!
Favorite vacation spot? Anywhere with a warm beach
Favorite store? bookstore
Favorite flower? daffodil
Favorite website? wikipedia
Favorite character from a book? The Lorax
Questions about writing:
Do you listen to music while you write? No, I actually get too distracted (I wish I could.)

Who would you cast as your characters if they make a movie? Keeping silent on this one since I have inside information :)
How did you get the idea for The Forest Of Hands And Teeth? Actually, I’d been thinking about a post apocalyptic zombie world but wasn’t planning on doing anything with it when a first line popped into my head. On a lark I kept writing and it became the book!
Are you writing anything right now? I just finished line edits for The Dead-Tossed Waves, the companion to The Forest of Hands and Teeth and am diving into the third book in the trilogy.
If you could give a specific color to describe each of your main character's personalities, what would the colors be? Wow, that’s a tough question. Gabrielle would be red for sure. As for the others... I don’t know!
Questions about the author:
If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be? Dragon I think. Something that flies for sure.
What is your weirdest work experience ever? I was a translator on a Mayan archeological dig in Guatemala and ended up spending a stormy afternoon translating bawdy jokes for the local workers — that was a little weird.
What YA book are you most looking forward to? There are a ton of awesome books coming out this fall that I can’t wait for! Scott Westerfeld’s Leviathan, Libba Bray’s Going Bovine, Justine Larbalestier’s Liar! Also, Hush Hush, The Maze Runner, Holly Black’s latest! There are so many that I know I’m forgetting a ton!
If you could go any place in the world, where would you go? First? I’d probably go to Australia, I’ve always wanted to visit there.
If you could own any animal what would you own? I’m pretty content with my cats and dog. But if I could own anything? Probably a quokka!
Do you like the beach or the mountains better? Both?
If you could live in any book, what book would you live in? Not mine!
Thanks so much!
-Senfaye :)
We love Carrie Ryan over here, and diet coke.
ReplyDelete(Castergirl17's favorite book character is the Lorax as well)
Awesome interview!!