Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Books Read In March!
Teaser Tuesday #2

Sorry I didn't do this last week! I am going to give a few quotes from the many different books to make up for the fact that I was bad last. (More like REALLY lazy!)
City Of Glass

Title: City Of Glass By: Cassandra Clare Publisher: Simon Pulse Number Of Pages: 560
Summary: To save her mother’s life, Clary must travel to the City Of Glass, the ancestral home of Shadowhunters – never mind that enter-ing the city without permission is against the Law, and breaking the Law could mean death. To make things worse, she learns Jace does not want her there, and Simon has been thrown into prison by Shadowhunters, who are deeply suspicious of a vampire who can withstand sunlight. As Clary uncovers more about her family’s past, she finds an ally with a mysterious Shadow-hunter Sebastian. With Valentine mustering the full force of his power to destroy all Shadowhunters forever, their only chance to defeat him is to fight alongside their eternal enemies. But can the Downworlders and Shadowhunters put aside their hatred to work together? While Jace realizes exactly how much he’s willing to risk for Clary, can she harness her newfound powers to help save the Glass City-whatever the cost? Love is a mortal sin and the secrets of the past prove deadly as Clary and Jace face down Valentine in the final installment of the New York Times bestselling trilogy The Mortal Instruments.
Review: WOW! This book is amazing..words can’t even describe how phenomenal this book is!!! You know how when you are on a roller coaster and you are scared of what is going to happen and after it is over oddly enough you want to go back on? Well that is exactly how City of Glass makes you feel!!! It was an emotional roller coaster ride. I think it is even better than City Of Bones and City Of Ashes..which they are so amazing that it is tough to say that but it truly is. I am so sad that it is the last book in one of the best trilogies I have ever read but that just gives me another reason to want to read The Clockwork Princess. If I graded books I would give it 100,000,000,000 out of 5..lol! Anyway if you haven’t read this series yet, you NEED to go out and buy it!!!
I recommend this book if you like the first two books, romance, action, and overall an amazing book!
Thursday, March 26, 2009

I got the Zombie Chicken award from one of the greatest people Reverie aka V!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
In Bed With Books Interview!
I got something special in the mail yesterday!

Saturday, March 21, 2009
WOW! Another Award...

Friday, March 20, 2009
Something, Maybe
Title: Something, Maybe Author: Elizabeth Scott Publisher: Simon Pulse Number Of Pages: 217
Summary From Jacket Flap: I wonder what it would be like to do high school things. To go out on the weekends. To kiss a guy. To have a normal life. A real one. Everyone thinks their parents are embarrassing, but Hannah knows she’s got them all beat. Her dad made a fortune showcasing photos of pretty girls and his party lifestyle all over the internet, and her mom was once one of her dad’s girlfriends and is now the star of her own website. After getting the wrong kind of attention for way too long, Hannah has mastered the art of staying under the radar..and that’s just how she likes it. Of course, that doesn’t help her get noticed by her crush. Hannah’s sure that the gorgeous, sensitive Josh is her soul mate. But trying to get him to notice her; wondering why she suddenly can’t stop thinking about another guy, Finn ; and dealing with her parents make Hannah feel like she’s going crazy. Yet she’s determined to make things work out the way she wants-only what she wants may not be what see needs…. Once again, Elizabeth Scott has created a world so painfully funny and a cast of characters so heartbreakingly real that you’ll love being a part of it from unexpected start to triumphant finish.
Review: I have never read anything by Elizabeth Scott before but I want to read every book she has written now! I loved Something, Maybe because I felt like I was there with Hannah experiencing what she was experiencing and because the writing was fantastic. I loved the characters and I think they are really well developed . It was a really great love story that I think I will have my friends read because it is really, really good! I hope there is a sequel. Overall I think that it is an awesome love story.
I recommend this book if you like romance, Elizabeth Scott novels, and Young Adult novels.
Another thing, YA Reads is having a contest where they are giving away an ARC of City Of Glass By: Cassandra Clare. Here is a link: http://www.yareads.com/
I am also wondering if I should place ads on my blog to pay for the books I review. What are your thoughts on the subject?
-Senfaye :)
Two Really Cool Things!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Eyes Like Stars

Title: Eyes Like Stars Author: Lisa Mantchev Publisher: Feiwel & Friends Number Of Pages: 352 Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Summary: All the worlds her stage. Beatrice Shakespeare Smith is not an actress, yet she lives in a theater. She’s not an orphan, but she has no parents. She knows every part, but she has no lines of her own. Until now. Welcome to the Théâtre Illuminata, where the characters of every play ever written can be found behind the curtain. They were born to play their parts, and are bound to the Théâtre by The Book-an ancient and magical tome of scripts. Bertie is not one of them, but they are her family-and she is about to lose them all and the only home she has ever known. Lisa Mantchev has written a debut novel that is dramatic, romantic, and witty with an irresistible and irreverent cast of characters who are sure to enchant the audience.
Review: I absolutely loved Eyes Like Stars! It is a fantastic debut novel that I will read again and again. The characters were well developed and had their own personalities. The setting was awesome and I wish I could live in the Théâtre with Bertie. It is romantic, dramatic, and witty exactly as the summary says. Moth, Mustardseed, Cobweb, and Peaseblossom were hilarious and they each had very different personalities. Peaseblossom was the little lady and the boys were funny and daring. I loved how Bertie changed her hair color every so often also. All in all I love this book and will treasure it always.
I recommend this book if you like the theater, fairies, ever changing hair colors, plays, young adult novels, and romance.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I Don't If This Will Become A Regular Thing Or Not...

Today I have decided to do the Teaser Tuesday thing. Teaser Tuesday was created by Jenn at Should Be Reading. Link: http://shouldbereading.wordpress.com/2008/07/29/new-teaser-tuesdays/
Guess What!

Guess what!!!! I won an ARC of Wings! I am sooo happy! I got an email this morning from Elizabeth Scott saying that I won. You can enter in her other contests for the countdown to Something,Maybe here: http://elizabethwrites.com/blog/index.php
Monday, March 16, 2009
What are you reading?
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Title: Cycler Author: Lauren McLaughlin Publisher: Random House Number Of Pages: 250
Summary from jacket flap: Jill McTeague is your average smart senior trying to get her dream date to ask her to prom. Of course, those monthly blood transfusions aren’t exactly average-but it’s not like she’s got anything fatal. What no one knows, except for Jill’s parents-who live in constant fear of the secret getting out-is that for four days Jill is out each month, she’s not having blood transfusions. In fact, she’s not even Jill on those days. For four days of every monthly cycle, Jill becomes Jack, a boy-complete with all the parts-and Jack has to live out his days as a prisoner in Jill’s bedroom. But Jack’s personality has been gaining strength over the years since the cycling began. He is growing more rebellious and less content with his confinement, while at the same time his cycles are becoming more frequent. Now Jill’s question about the prom isn’t simply who she will go with, but who will she be when the big night arrives? Author Lauren McLaughlin captures to perfection the voices of ordinary good-girl Jill and defiant bad-boy Jack in this surprisingly humorous, thoroughly suspenseful, and ultimately fascinating first novel.
Review: Cycler was definitely interesting. It starts off in Jill’s perspective and then Jack’s. I found some parts to be hilarious and other parts to be a little more adult than it should be. There isn’t much for me to say about Cycler. I liked it but I hated Jack he was the most annoying person ever! He was just a nuisance and I hated him more and more every chapter that was in his perspective. Sometimes he was funny but most of the time I wish that he would turn back into Jill already. All in all the only bad part of the book in my opinion is Jack.
I recommend this book if you like young adult novels, high school novels, prom, weird parents, and girls turning into guys.
-Senfaye :P
P.S. Christina at Insert Book Title Here is giving away a copy of Hunted By: P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast. US Only.
Eyes Like Stars

I went to Borders and bought some books!
You Are So Undead To Me

Title: You Are So Undead To Me Author: Stacey Jay Publisher: Razor Bill Number Of Pages: 263
Summary From Back Of Book: Q: How many zombies does it take to ruin a social life?
A: Not Many.
Megan Berry is a Zombie Settler by birth, which means she’s part-time shrink to a whole bunch of semi-dead people with killer issues. All Megan wants is to go to homecoming, but when you’re trailed by a bunch of slobbering corpses whenever you leave the house, it’s kinda hard to score a date. Let’s just say Megan’s love life could use some major resuscitation. Megan’s convinced her life can’t get any worse-until someone in school starts using black magic to turn average, angsty Undead into scary, hardcore flesh-eating Zombies. Now it’s up to Megan to stop the Zombie apocalypse. Her life-and more importantly, the homecoming dance-depends on it.
Review: I bought this book at Borders yesterday just because they had it. It turned out to be an amazing! I loved all the characters and the plot and everything about it. I found it so interesting that Stacey Jay came up with her own zombie lore. Zombie come out of their graves only if they didn’t get to do something before they died and it bothers them. The only way they will attack is if someone used black magic and raised them and sent them after a specific person but they are drawn to open wounds or blood. I also liked how the settlers had magical spells to fight off zombies if they absolutely need too. Over all I loved this book and maybe you will too.
I recommend this book if you like zombies, young adult novels, romance, magical spells, and a little mystery.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I Just Got Nominated For "The I Love Your Blog" Award!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
3 Willows
Title: 3 Willows Author: Ann Brashares Publisher: Delacorte Press Number Of Pages: 319
Summary: Summer is a time to grow
Polly has an idea she can’t stop thinking about, one that involves changing a few things about herself. She’s setting her sights on a more glamorous life, but it’s going to take all of her focus. At least that way she won’t have to watch her friends moving so far ahead.
Jo is spending the summer at her family’s beach house, working as a bus girl and bonding with the older, cooler girls she’ll see at high school come September. She didn’t count on a brief fling with a cute boy changing her entire summer. Or on feeling embarrassed by her middle school friends. And she didn’t count on her family at all….
Ama is not an outdoorsy girl. She wanted to be at an academic camp, doing research in an air-conditioned library, earning As. Instead, her summer scholarship lands her on a wilderness trip full of flirting teenagers, blisters, impossible hiking trails, and a sad lack of hair products.
It is a new summer. And a new sisterhood. Come grow with them.
Review: When I first started the 3 Willows I couldn’t get into it. I kept telling myself that I had to finish it and I am glad I did. Part of the reason I didn’t like 3 Willows at first is because Ama was really whiny and the book switched to her perspective a lot. Another reason I didn't like it was because the book was a little hard to follow since I haven’t read The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants. While I didn’t like Ama I thought that Jo and Polly were really good characters. Near the end of the book Ama finally stopped whining and actually enjoyed the rest of her trip. All in all the book was great except for Ama at the middle of the book.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Interview: Carrie Jones!

Favorite Season?
Spring. I am usually very psyched that winter is over and in Maine winter last forever.
Favorite Book?
Favorite Place to eat out?
Cleonice, which is this Mediterranean bistro type place on Main Street in my town. They have tapas. I heart tapas.
Favorite TV Show?
I know! I know! That totally reveals my geek-i-tude
Favorite Movie?
I can't play favorites. I feel like I'd hurt too many movies' feelings, but right now I am currently loving up anything with Cary Grant, which means it's in black and white, and all lovey-dovey in an old-fashioned way.
Favorite Song?
Oh! This is soooooo hard. I love old-fashioned songs and random disco songs and old Marvin Gaye songs and old punk and I am so all over the place. Right now my favorite song is The Chicken Dance, just because my nana (who is 98) still gets up and does it. You have not lived

until you see a 98-year-old chicken dance.
Favorite Website?
Cute Overload
Favorite Flower?
Favorite Shampoo?
This Organic Vanilla shampoo
Favorite actress/actor?
I am currently into Cary Grant, who is dead I think.
Questions about writing:
Are you writing any other young adult novels after the NEED series?
Yes. Gosh! I mean, I hope so!
I write contemporary young adult novels, too. I hope publishers keep buying them. That's my big fear. I actual have a back-up of novels that my agent hasn't submitted to publishers yet.
What type of books do you like to read when you are writing?
Poetry. Contemporary poetry that doesn't rhyme usually or really cheap mystery novels, you know the kind you can get at the grocery store.
Do you listen to music while you write?
All the time. Unless I'm having a super hard time focusing. It's hard for me to write without music.
Questions about the author:
If you could be any mythical creature what would you be?
A Silvan Elf, I think. I like the whole living in the trees thing.
Do you have any phobias like Zara in NEED?
I am really afraid of downhill skiing and somewhat afraid of the dentist.
If you created an ice cream flavor what would it be called?
Yummy yummy in your tummy
Where would your dream vacation be?
It would be one of those round-the-world type adventures for a year and I would spend a month in each place and the places would include:
Do you play video games and if so what do you play?
I STINK at video games. I can't even talk about it - it's just that horrifying.
What is your weirdest work experience?
Riding around with a police officer to get background information for a story and listening to his stories and going into this deserted old town office during a call. Very fun and very creepy.
When you were little did you want to be a writer or something else?
I wanted to be assassinated while bringing peace to Northern Ireland, and then I wanted to be a private investigator and then I wanted to be a human rights attorney. I was a weird kid.
Oh! I also wanted to be a cryptozologist and find Bigfoot. I had a crush on Bigfoot.
What is the most recent book you have read?
Eternal by Cynthia Leitich Smith
How many states have you traveled through?
Oh, gosh, I have to count.... Not counting airplane landings - 21.
If you could live in a certain book what would it be and why?
I'd live in the Harry Potter books because I just love the thought of magic happening everywhere and people not knowing about it (if I was a Muggle) or the thought of being a wizard and fighting against evil. I like that the evil is so clear cut. Plus, polyjuice potion? So cool....
Thanks Carrie!
Sunday, March 8, 2009

Title: Girlwood Author: Claire Dean Publisher: HMCo Number Of Pages: 246
Summary From Jacket Flap: Deep in the woods, surrounded by a wall of thorns, is a grove of larch trees called Girlwood. Few know how to find it: Only Baba, an old grandmother who understands the power hidden within wild plants. And Bree, a reckless teenager, who runs away from home one dark autumn night. And Polly, the younger sister, whom Baba loves and Bree leaves. Polly, who can see the light and colors of all living things. Girlwood A place where fairies live and wolves prowl. A place where Polly and her friends can build their own shelter and control their own fire. But can Polly and the girls of Girlwood save Polly’s sister Bree? Can they save the grove from developers? Can they save the magic within themselves? In Girlwood, anything is possible.
Review: Girlwood was great but not my favorite book of all time. It was interesting to see how Polly and her parents moved on after Bree disappeared. I cried twice, it was a very sad story. They characters were well developed and my favorite character is Baba. She was funny and didn’t care what other people thought of her even if they thought she was evil. All in all Girlwood was a fun, interesting book that made me want to go into the woods with a couple of friends and build a shelter of my own.
I recommend this book if you like the woods, romance, family, friends, funny grandmothers named Baba, and wolves.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Books I got this week from the library and Barnes&Noble!
Zombie Blondes
Title: Zombie Blondes Author: Brian James Publisher: Feiwel & Friends Number Of Pages: 232
Summary From Jacket Flap: From the moment Hannah Sanders arrived in town , she felt there was something wrong. A lot of houses were for sale, and the town seemed infected by an unearthly quiet, and then, on Hannah’s first day of classes, she ran into a group of cheerleaders- the most popular girls in school. The odd thing was that they were nearly identical in their appearance: blonde, beautiful, and deathly pale. But Hannah wants desperately to fit in- regardless of what her friend Lukas is telling her: if she doesn’t watch her back, she’s going to be blonde and popular and dead- just like all the other zombies in this town…
Review: I got this book at the library because of the title. I hadn’t even read the summary. It turned out to be very good. My problem with it though is that Hannah’s love interest in the story fell in love with her when he was walking her home and they suddenly just kissed like they had been dating for a while even though they had just met. The book ended on a bad note and I wonder if Brian James is writing a second book because I would really like to know what happens next.
I recommend this book if you like zombies, young adult novels, and blondes that are beautiful.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The Good Neighbors: Book One Kin

A Publisher Plea...
I have tried and tried to get into a few publisher review programs .But to no avail because I am not yet, 13 the magical age that the books are able to flow forth to my doorstep. Apparently if you are smart and well written but you haven’t yet crossed the thirteen year mark , publishers won’t send you books. I guess its a legal thing. If you would like to unofficially send me books dear publishers or if you are an author who would like to send me an advanced/extra copy of your wonderful books please email me at annieluvsmuffin@Gmail.com I would love to review your books!I really, really would:)
-Senfaye :P
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Books I can't wait for!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Hunger Games

Title: The Hunger Games Author: Suzanne Collins Publisher: Scholastic Press Number Of Pages: 374
Summary From Jacket Flap: Could you survive on your own, in the wild, with every one out to make sure you don’t live to see the morning? In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she steps forward to take her sister’s place in the Games. But Katniss has been close to dead before-and survival, for her, is second nature. Without really meaning to she becomes a contender. But if she is to win, she will have to start making choices that weigh survival against humanity and life against love. Acclaimed writer SUZANNE COLLINS author of the New York Times bestselling Underland Chronicle, delivers equal parts suspense and philosophy, adventure and romance, in this searing novel set in a future with unsettling parallels to our present.
Review: The Hunger Games is absolutely amazing! I finished it yesterday because I was sick and couldn’t do anything but read and sleep. I loved the whole book. I almost cried and if you have read it or you are going to read it you will know what part I am talking about. I think it is one of my favorite books of all time. It was funny, heartbreaking, and altogether wonderful. If you don’t already own this book I suggest you go to the bookstore and buy it.
I recommend this book if you like adventure, romance, young adult novels, and wonderful books!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Interview:Lisa Mantchev

First of all I just want to say thank you Lisa! Thank you so much for taking time to answer all of my questions. It was really fun talking to you.
The Favorites Category:
Q: Favorite animal?
LM: Baby Hedgehogs.
Q:Favorite Food?
LM: Anything at a 24-hour diner.
Q:Favorite Flower?
LM:Roses... the kind that actually smell like a summer garden.
Q: Favorite color?
LM: Steel Blue.
Q:Favorite Movie?
LM:This month: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street.
Q:Favorite morning drink?
LM:Really,really hot cappuccinos with lots of
Q:Favorite Dessert?
LM: Hand cranked vanilla ice cream over warm, homemade pie.
Q:Favorite Place to shop?
LM:Any antique store.
Q:Favorite Website?
LM:Cakewrecks (http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/)
Q: Favorite Song?
LM:Tying into my current favorite movie, "A Little Priest" sung by Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter.
Writing Questions:
Q:What type of book do you like to read when you are writing?
LM:Research material...it's hard for me to read fiction when I am working on something.
Q: When did you start writing?
LM:As soon as I was old enough to string together a sentence.
Q:After you finish writing the Theatre trilogy will you write any other young adult novels?
LM:I'm already working on another (not theater) series that I hope someone will want to publish.
Q:Do you listen to music while you write?
LM: I prefer without, unless I'm choreographing an action sequence.
Questions about the author:
Q:Where did you grow up?
LM:Northern California.
Q:Do you have siblings?
LM: My younger sister had to put up with a lot when we were growing up....
Q: Do you have children?
LM: My daughter is now having to put up with the same shenanigans!
Q:Where do you live now?
LM: On the Olympic Peninsula with the sparkly vampires.
Q: When is your birthday?
LM:Between Christmas and New Year's.
Q:If you were stranded on a desert island what 5 people or things would you bring with you?
LM:Husband, child, mother, sister, and sunscreen *L*
Q:Where would your dream vacation be?
LM:A Mediterranean Cruise
Q:What is your weirdest work experience?
LM:That would be a tie between asking"would you like to take a survey?" at Blockbuster and being a demo girl (cookie samples) at Costco, both during college.
Q:When you were little did you want to be a writer or something else?
LM: I wanted to be an actress until I graduated college.
Q: Do you play video games and if so what games do you play?
LM:We just got a Wii, and I played the boxing game until I hurt my shoulder. *G* I am actually terrible with most video games, but I was a champion Tetris player in high school.
Thanks again Lisa!
-Senfaye :)